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Faehnrich, B.; Franz, C.; Nemaz, P.; Kaul, H. -P.

Medicinal plants and their secondary metabolites − State of the art and trends in breeding, analytics and use in feed supplementation− with special focus on German chamomile Artikel Open Access

In: Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality, Bd. Vol. 94, S. 61-74, 2021, ISSN: 1439-040X.

Abstract | BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Botanik | Links:


Muschler, N.; Knoblauch, A.; Schmidt, S.; Reuß, M.

1st International Conference on Business meets Technology: Cultivation of Lentinula edodes (Shiitake) Konferenzberichte

Hedderich B., Walter M. S. J., Gröner P., Ansbach, 2018.

BibTeX | Schlagwörter: Botanik